Humane eating is as easy as following our map markers…

Vegan, Vegetarian, and/or Veg-Friendly. “Friendly” means the restaurant may serve meat but has a dedicated vegetable menu.

Restaurant offers a humanely-raised meat dish. * This does not mean all the dishes are humanely-raised.

Restaurant serves food identified on the Watch List. Watch List foods are particularly offensive to many people and easily identified on the menu (such as veal or foie gras).
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1 week ago
12 Vegan Food Launches That Are Wrecking Our Wallets
#humaneeating #vegan ... See MoreSee Less
Please, No More! 12 Vegan Food Launches That Are Wrecking Our Wallets
The first month of January has been filled with extraordinary news in the world of vegan food and we’re ready for it.
2 weeks ago
One in Six Foods Launches in the UK is Vegan #vegan #humaneeating ... See MoreSee Less
One in Six Food Launches in the UK Is Vegan
As its vegan population grows to more than 3.5 million people, the United Kingdom surpasses Germany as the top vegan food producer worldwide.
3 weeks ago
Year of the vegan? Record numbers sign up for Veganuary #veganuary #humaneeating ... See MoreSee Less
Year of the vegan? Record numbers sign up for Veganuary
On Sunday alone, 14,000 people pledged to go meat-free for first month of new year
4 weeks ago
1 month ago
We want to wish everyone a Happy Kwanzaa! ... See MoreSee Less
The issues of factory farming
Over the years, idyllic family farms have been largely replaced by giant, industrial factory farms. Animals are treated like objects because the main goal is to produce a large amount of food very quickly. These are some of the key issues for animals living on factory farms:
- Hormones and antibiotics are used generously to increase growth and combat unsanitary conditions.
- Most factory farm animals live so close to each other that they don’t have enough room to turn around. Life is often a constant mosh pit.
- Pain control is often not provided for procedures such as beak trimming, castration and tail docking.
- The FDA and USDA do not have enough resources to enforce existing regulations, which are already inadequate.
- Factory farm animals are often fed a variety of unsettling food items that people would not want to consume directly.
- There are no regulations for animal welfare in the transport and slaughter process for poultry. For pigs and cattle, enforcement on what minimal regulations exist is often lax.
Making the decision to eat humanely will save animals from a life of horrible conditions.
Watch List restaurants are clearly identified
- A restaurant on the Watch List serves items such as Foie Gras, Sharkfin Soup, or Veal.
- Many people find these items particularly offensive due to how the animals are treated or due to the environmental impact harvesting these foods may have.
- The Watch List makes it easy to avoid accidentally patronizing these restaurants.