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America for Animals is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We empower advocates to promote compassion and fight animal cruelty in the communities where they live. Click here to view volunteer opportunities.

America for Animals is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We empower advocates to promote compassion and fight animal cruelty in the communities where they live. We are headquartered in San Diego, but work with highly skilled volunteers around the world.



Every day, countless dogs and cats suffer in the poorest parts of Tijuana, Mexico. Some wander the streets, stricken with mange and covered in ticks. Others birth litter after litter, without access to sufficient food, water, or veterinary care. Veterinary services are nonexistent in these parts. Or they are too expensive for families to afford.

While most unwanted animals in the U.S. are humanely euthanized, this is not the case south of the border. The legal method of killing unwanted animals in Mexico is electrocution with a cable connected to the animal’s paws. The process can take up to 10 minutes. It is not always successful the first round.

Unbelievably, just one unaltered female dog, her mate, and their litters can produce over 67,000 puppies in only six years. The most effective method for preventing overpopulation is to spay and neuter.

America for Animals (AFA) believes that all animals deserve compassion. That is why we partner with volunteer-led groups in Tijuana to bring the basic necessities to neglected dogs and cats. Throughout the year, we set-up clinics in those parts of the city where the animals need us most. We hire local vets to spay and neuter the dogs and cats of the neighborhood. We provide basic flea and tick removal, as well as basic grooming. For pet owners, we offer education on proper pet care.

A dollar goes a long way in Mexico. All of the services described below are provided at a cost of about $15 per animal. We pay the $15 and provide the services free to anyone who brings a cat or dog to one of our clinics. Even if we did charge for these services, most would be unable to pay. All citizens are welcome and no one is turned away.



Last year, AFA helped hundreds of dogs and cats in Tijuana. We provide the following to each clinic:

Direct funding: AFA funds most or all of the clinic, including fees for veterinarians, medication, recovery supplies, and educational materials for the pet owners.

Services: AFA volunteers provide care and assistance to the dogs and cats at the clinic. Much of the work is done in the recovery room, where volunteers assist veterinary technicians, distributing pre-measured pain medication to each pet owner based on the animal’s weight. AFA volunteers also clean soiled areas in the recovery room, place sterile blankets for incoming animals, remove fleas and ticks from the animals, and comfort recovering animals. Once it is time for the animals to awaken, volunteers help revive them and manage their return to their owners.

Humane Education: While their pets arse recovering from the operations, pet owners receive education and information provided by AFA. These educational sessions, and materials that accompany them, provide important information on the proper care of pets. AFA creates and distributes education materials while speaking with pet owners about common household dangers to pets.clinic2

America for Animals is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations to America for Animals are fully tax deductible.

If you wish to contact us by mail please send a query letter, check, or money order addressed to:

America for Animals
P.O. Box 80035
San Diego, CA 92138-0035

We believe that every dollar donated to America for Animals should have maximum impact. That’s why our staff is 100% volunteer. We are committed to spending as much on programs as possible.

Our programs have a common purpose: to empower advocates to promote compassion and fight cruelty in the communities where they live. AFA pursues this mission through direct participation in community-centered campaigns and by providing advocates with state-of-the-art tools that help them connect, organize, participate, and, most importantly, make a difference in the lives of animals.

A monthly membership reflects your commitment to a better life for the cats and dogs of Tijuana. Your donation will be earmarked for the Compasión campaign and you will receive regular updates on our work.

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